How to list all the rows in a table using SQLite in android studio using cursor -
i using android studio handle database sqlite. need list items in table items in can it. know how first item using cursor.movetofirst() this
public rows getrows(){ string query = "select * "+table_name; sqlitedatabase db = getwritabledatabase(); cursor = db.rawquery(query,null); rows rows; if(cursor.movetofirst()){ rows.setcol1(cursor.getstring(0)); rows.setcol2(cursor.getstring(1)); rows.setcol3(cursor.getstring(2)); cursor.close(); } else{ rows=null; } return rows; }
can use cursor.movetonext() if yes please give me code....
use this,
public arraylist<rows> getrows(){ string query = "select * "+table_name; sqlitedatabase db = getwritabledatabase(); cursor = db.rawquery(query,null); arraylist<rows> list=new arraylist<rows>(); while(cursor.movetonext()){ rows row=new rows(); row.setcol1(cursor.getstring(0)); row.setcol2(cursor.getstring(1)); row.setcol3(cursor.getstring(2)); list.add(row); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return list; }
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