Wordpress-Loop: PHP-code is not working -

i'm struggling making wordpress-loop working properly. guess error in if-request. please debug , optimize these few lines of php? i'm interested in learning proper coding don't hesitate give me further advices! ;-) amazing! best, enjoy weekend!!!

<?php   ?>  <?php get_header(); ?>  <!-- start body -->      <body <?php body_class(); ?>>  <!-- hier geht der wrapper auf-->                                               <div class="wrapper">  <!-- logo --> <?php get_template_part( 'logo' ); ?>      <div class="clear"></div>  <!-- wordpress verbieten, <p>-tags zu setzen -->    <?php remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop'); ?>        <!-- t h e   l o o p -->         <?php if ( have_posts() ): ?>      <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>      <div class="article-content" id="post-<?php the_id(); ?>">      <div class="article-thumb">      <?php the_content(); ?>     <div class="theid"><?php the_id(); ?></div>      <?php if (in_category( "28" )){         echo '<a href="';         echo '#';         echo '" target="_blank"> link</a>';          }      else { echo 'hi!'; ?>       <!-- close article-thumb -->         </div>      <!-- close article-content -->      </div>      <?php endwhile; ?>      <?php endif; ?>       <!-- /t h e   l o o p -->      <!-- clear -->      <div class="clear"></div>    <?php else: ?> <h2>no posts display</h2> <?php endif; ?> <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>   <!-- bottomnav -->  <div class="bottomnav"><a class="super next"><?php posts_nav_link(' / ','zurück','weitere projekte'); ?></a></div>    <!-- infinite scroll -->  <script type="text/javascript"> $('.wrapper').infinitescroll({     loading: {         finished: undefined,         finishedmsg: "end.",         img: "http://www.injuvik.de/wp-content/themes/injuvik/img/pfeilnachunten.png",         msg: null,         msgtext: "loading..",         selector: null,         speed: 'fast',         start: undefined          },     navselector: "div.bottomnav",     nextselector: "div.bottomnav a:last",      itemselector: "div.wrapper div.article-content",     animate: false     }); </script>    </div>  <!-- toggle class on click -->  <script> $('body').on('click', 'div.article-content', function(){ $( ).toggleclass( "bigger" ); }); </script>    <?php get_footer(); ?> 

try add end of code

<?php endif; ?> 

also change:

echo 'hi!'; } /> 


echo 'hi!'; } ?> 


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