python - XML: 'remove_blank_text' is an invalid keyword argument for this function -

okay, i'm doing basic xml tutorial , trying put code in:

parser = etree.xmlparser(remove_blank_text=true) root = etree.xml("<root>  <a/>   <b>  </b>     </root>", parser) etree.tostring(root) 

and i'm getting error pointing parser line saying

'remove_blank_text' invalid keyword argument function 

i have sneaking suspicion lxml somehow not installed or imported or whatever. have eyes cross @ "installation" instructions; in very, plain english, how install/reinstall lxml?

(edit: double checking, yes, this:

import sys lxml import etree 

does indeed yield "no module named lxml". okay, how install lxml?

installing lxml on windows surprisingly tricky business. wasn't ever able work until found wonderful resource: unofficial windows binaries python projects.


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