ajax - Select2 4.0.0 can't select results -
i'm trying use newest version of select2 query site's api , return multiple-select. it's fetching right data , it's formatting dropdown properly, combining 2 keys in returned objects "(a-123) john johnson", dropdown's not responding mouseover or clicks.
i'm using select2.full.min.js , select2.min.css files. purposes of project, i'm including them in directory , accessing them through bundles in cshtml, instead of accessing them via cdn.
<div> <select class="user-list" multiple="multiple" style="width: 100%"> </select> </div>
at moment, it's looking this, how want it:
not sure if relevant, when browse generated source code while searching, input looks fine, dropdown's code greyed out though hidden.
per other suggestions i've found on here , elsewhere, i've tried few different solutions. found out how templateresult , templateselection supposed work (not particularly documentation), , tried returning id well, still can't seem select anything, or response when hover on options.
here's wound with, including debugging make sure returned object valid.
// setup autocomplete/select user filter $(".user-list").select2({ ajax: { url: "[api url]", type: "get", datatype: "json", data: function (params) { return { search: params.term, // search term page: params.page }; }, processresults: function (data) { console.log(json.stringify(data)); return { results: data }; }, }, escapemarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, id: function (data) { return data.id.tostring(); }, minimuminputlength: 1, templateresult: function (data, page) { return "(" + data.user + ") " + data.name; }, templateselection: function (data, page) { return "(" + data.user + ") " + data.name; } })
the id guid, , there 2 other fields, i'll call name , user.
data sample:
[ { "id":"a1a1a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1a1a1a1a1", "name":"john johnson", "user":"a-123" }, { "id":"b2b2b2b2-b2b2-b2b2-b2b2-b2b2b2b2b2b2", "name":"tom thompson", "user":"b-456" } ]
i hate add pile of questions seem this, results i've found have been older version different options, , haven't worked me yet.
the way select2 operates uses "id" values of each data object , puts original select element selected option(s). case-sensitive.
by default, displays dropdown options , selected element whatever "text" value of data object. not allow custom formatting.
if (like me) want return different data options, still need return field "id", or re-map field "id" in object returned in processresults option under ajax. use templateresult , templateselection settings other returned data display want.
if return , parse correctly except id, may wind otherwise functional list, unable select options.
the requirements dropdown changed bit project, here's wound up. works fine multiple="multiple" attribute added make multi-select, too.
<select class="select2" style="width:100%; height: 100%;"> <option></option> </select> $(".select2").select2({ ajax: { url: "[api url]", method: "get", data: function (params) { return { search: params.term }; }, processresults: function (data) { return { results: data }; }, cache: true }, placeholder: "enter user id or name", templateresult: function(data) { return "(" + data.user + ") " + data.name; }, templateselection: function(data) { return "(" + data.user + ") " + data.name; } }).ready(function () { $(".select2-selection__placeholder").text("enter user id or name") })
it's possible part of initial issue attempts @ implementing fixes older versions of select2, had different set of options/settings available.
additionally, bit of side-note, "placeholder" attribute doesn't work custom templating. tries force placeholder text result format, shows "(undefined) undefined" code. fix requires empty option , replace text on select2.ready.
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