Call C# class from Java class -

i have java class , c# class. want run c# class java class.

however don't want pass java code c# , don't want in return c# code, want run c# code.

i want shown in below classes

java class:

public void static main(string[] args){  system.out.println("running java code ");  // here need call c# class  } } 

i want code executed above java program

using system;      class program {         console.writeline("running c# code ");         }     } 

you can run c# program exe file java code.

first compile program program.exe file run same program.exe java code below:

public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {     // todo code application logic here      process process;     process = new processbuilder("c:\\projectspath\\program.exe").start(); } 


you can send parameters exe file invoked passing arguments processbuilder constructor below:

note : here im passing 2 argumenbts program.exe file name , id :

process = new processbuilder("c:\\projectspath\\program.exe" , "sudhakar","id501").start(); 


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