php - RegEx troubles with converting text to links -

i'm trying make shoutbox automatically convert posted data links if matches criteria. works, except not if there more 1 link in single shoutbox post.

here code meant convert it:

<?             $text = "edit:4961310112967 - edit:021331612649 these correct?";             echo $text."<br><br>";             $view = "/(view|edit)\:[0-9]+(\s)?/";             if(preg_match_all($view, $text, $url, preg_set_order)) {                      foreach ($url $val) {                         echo "(matched: " . $val[0] . ")\n";                         $checkcode = explode(":", $val[0]);                         if(strcmp($checkcode[0], 'view') == 0) {                             $text = preg_replace($view, '<a target="_blank" style="text-decoration: underline;color:purple;font-weight:bold;" href="../index.php?upc='.$checkcode[1].'">(view product)</a>', $text);                         } else if(strcmp($checkcode[0], 'edit') == 0) {                             $text = preg_replace($view, '<a target="_blank" style="text-decoration: underline;color:purple;font-weight:bold;" href="../edit.php?upc='.$checkcode[1].'">(edit product)</a>', $text);                         }                         echo "<br>".$text;                         echo "<br>(".$checkcode[0]." - ".$checkcode[1].")<br><br>";                      }              }             echo "<br><br>".$text."<br><br>"; ?> 

as can see, $text variable @ top has 2 spots says "edit:" - meant call regex turn link. link in question be, example,

<a href="edit.php?upc=############"</a> 

currently, how is, when there more 1 call regex, makes both links first edit:

sorry, don't feel explaining well.

this string: edit:4961310112967 - edit:021331612649 these correct? regex make both links edit.php?upc=4961310112967

i simplify bit dividing in 2 regular expressions.

$re = "/edit\\:([0-9]+(\\s)?)/m";  $str = "edit:4961310112967 - edit:021331612649 these correct?\n\nedit:1231289389123\n\nedit:123123lkajsdad\n\nview:234234234234234";  $subst = "<a href=\"edit.php?upc=$1\"</a>";   $result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str); 

and same view. hope helps!


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