Ckeditor - how to indent multiple times -
i have client wants able indent multiple times. sort of things works in word use to. specifically, want able indent bullets more once.
from can tell ckeditor doesn't allow this... i'm assuming because using ul , li tags doesn't have easy way this.
does know if ckeditor can this?
i'm looking give output this:
<ul> <li>test</li> <ul> <ul> <li>sdfdsf</li> </ul> </ul> </ul>
not this
<ul> <li>test</li> <ul> <li>sdfdsf</li> </ul> </ul>
yes ckeditor can addon ( via buttons, or when manually edit source this:
<ul> <li>1. level</li> <ul> <li>2. level</li> <ul> <li>3. level</li> </ul> </ul> </ul>
and on...
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