ruby - Rails cannot find templates in test environment -

i've strange problem. have working rails application , on 1 machine tests don't work. problem when running tests rails cannot find application templates layout file.

i've tried debug , ended in actionview::pathresolver class , particular piece of code below:

def find_template_paths(query)   dir[query].reject { |filename| ||       # deals case-insensitive file systems.       !file.fnmatch(query, filename, file::fnm_extglob)   } end 

it looks file.fnmatch methods returns different results in test environment. i've render same action in development , test environment , compare results fnmatch method. in test in cannot match filename query.

i have no idea why that. happens on 1 machine. osx yosemite 10.10.2 (14c2055), rvm 1.26.11 , ruby 2.2.2p95.


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