vb.net - DataTable belongs to another Data set / Saves extra Entries in XML -

i know question has been asked , answered here.

ds.tables.add(dt.copy) ds.tables(0).tablename = "items" ds.writexml("inventory.xml") 

dt.copy resolve "datatable belongs data set" message when save, of course screws xml file , saves entries in file, when data grid loads xml file shows entries weren't there before. here's code.

try     dt = new datatable()     dim ds new dataset      'dtcopy = dt.copy()     dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("product_name", type.gettype("system.string")))     dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("product_sku", type.gettype("system.string")))     dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("product_price", type.gettype("system.decimal")))     dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("product_quantity", type.gettype("system.int32")))      dim integer     = pinventory.rows.count     = - 1      each prow in pinventory.rows         if <> 0 or > 0             each pcell in prow.cells                 if isdbnull(pcell.value) = true                     if pcell.columnindex = 0                         prow.cells(0).value = "(name)"                     end if                      if pcell.columnindex = 1                         prow.cells(1).value = "(sku)"                     end if                      if pcell.columnindex = 2                         prow.cells(2).value = 0                     end if                      if pcell.columnindex = 3                         prow.cells(3).value = 0                     end if                  end if             next             fillrows(prow.cells(0).value, prow.cells(1).value, prow.cells(2).value, prow.cells(3).value)              = - 1         end if     next     ds.tables.add(dt)     ds.tables(0).tablename = "items"     ds.writexml("product.xml")     'msgbox("done")  catch ex exception     msgbox(ex.message) end try 

i have

here's result when loading xml dataset datagridview (inventory). empty cells weren't there before, after grid gets reloaded.

here's code loading xml datagridview

dim xmlfile xmlreader xmlfile = xmlreader.create("product.xml", new xmlreadersettings()) dim ds new dataset ds.readxml(xmlfile) pinventory.datasource = ds.tables(0) xmlfile.close() 

i've gone through of other posts this, though while fix table message problem, don't have specifics regarding effects on table themselves. if can me, i'd appreciate it.... lot!!

private sub fillrows(byval pname string, byval psku string, byval pprice decimal, byval pquantity integer)     try         dim dr datarow         dr = dt.newrow()         dr("product_name") = pname         dr("product_sku") = psku         dr("product_price") = pprice         dr("product_quantity") = pquantity         dt.rows.add(dr)     catch ex exception         msgbox(ex.message)     end try end sub 

this xml looks when working correctly.. when doesn't show new entries 2 column (price , quantity) have 0's in them.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="true"?>  -<newdataset>     -<items>  <product_name>harry potter</product_name>     <product_sku>546826584</product_sku>     <product_price>10.99</product_price>     <product_quantity>2</product_quantity>  </items>   -<items>  <product_name>the last samurai</product_name>     <product_sku>326548742</product_sku>     <product_price>12.99</product_price>     <product_quantity>1</product_quantity>  </items>   -<items>  <product_name>(name)</product_name>     <product_sku>545625986</product_sku>     <product_price>5.79</product_price>     <product_quantity>5</product_quantity>  </items>   -<items>  <product_name>(name)</product_name>     <product_sku>365989568</product_sku>     <product_price>3.99</product_price>     <product_quantity>3</product_quantity>  </items>   -<items>  <product_name>(name)</product_name>     <product_sku>(sku)</product_sku>     <product_price>0</product_price>     <product_quantity>0</product_quantity>     </items>    -<items>     <product_name>(name)</product_name>   <product_sku>(sku)</product_sku>     <product_price>3.99</product_price>     <product_quantity>3</product_quantity>     </items>     </newdataset> 


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