json - How can I pass data from a service into my controller? -

okay right messing around ionic framework , learning angularjs @ same time. came across $q , async calls, can't seem right. want able parse json file have set using getjsonspecials pass getdata pass controller specialsctrl can attach $scope. know not understanding promises correctly because inside specialservice undefined. can data fine other 2 serivces, when try passing specialservice seems crumble in turn ends undefined in controller. maybe not going right way? there best practices of doing kind of thing?

angular.module('starter.controllers', [])  .controller('specialsctrl', function ($scope, specialservice) {   $scope.specials = specialservice.all();   console.log("specials controller: got data", $scope.specials); })  //create methods access specials inside controller in inject in .factory('specialservice', function (getdata) {   var specials = getdata.getspecials();   console.log("dataaaa: ", specials);     return {       // return specials       all: function () {         console.log("inside return specials: ", specials);         return specials;       },       getspecialwithid : function (specialid) {          // simple index lookup          return specials[i];       }     }   } })  .factory('getdata', function(getjsonspecials) {   return {     getspecials : function() {       getjsonspecials.retrievedata().then(function (data) {         console.log("got json data", data);         return data;       }, function (status) {         alert("error getting specicals", status);         console.log("error getting specicals", status);       });     }   } }) //asynchronously specials json file .factory('getjsonspecials', function ($q, $http) {   return {     retrievedata : function() {       var deferred = $q.defer();       $http.get('js/specials.json').success(function (data, status) {         deferred.resolve(data);       }).error(function (status) {         deferred.reject(status);         console.log("error in handling json!");       });       return deferred.promise;     }   } }) 

the reason have overly complicated because in end want able share data controller display specific specials' properties in new view.

.controller('detailctrl', function ($scope, $stateparams, jsonspecials, $firebaseauth) {   $scope.id = parseint($stateparams.specialid);   $scope.special = jsonspecials.getspecialwithid($scope.id); }) 

it seems on complicating things bit. you're passing data around factories no clear reason. think 3 factories combined one. maybe try like..


<!doctype html> <html ng-app="foobar">    <head>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">    </head>    <body>      <div ng-controller="specialsctrl">       {{specials}}     </div>      <div ng-controller="anothercontroller">       {{specials}}     </div>      <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js"></script>     <script src="script.js"></script>   </body>  </html> 


angular.module('foobar', [])  .controller('specialsctrl', function ($scope, jsonspecials) {    jsonspecials.retrievedata().then(function(data){     $scope.specials = data;   });  })  .controller('anothercontroller', function ($scope, jsonspecials) {    jsonspecials.retrievedata().then(function(data){     $scope.specials = data;   });  })   //$http returns promise anyway don't need $q .factory('jsonspecials', function ($http){     return {      retrievedata : function() {       return $http         .get('js/specials.json')         .error(function (status) {           console.log("error in handling json!");         });     }    }  }); 


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