timestamp - ISO8601 format - Amazon Web service -

i receiving following error: 'timestamp 2015-06-29t15%3a08%3a27z must in iso8601 format' have double checked , believe in is08601 format (then urlencoded)

when have matched format again 1 created within https://mws.amazonservices.co.uk/scratchpad/index.html seems same.

any idea?

  1. mine: 2015-06-29t15%3a08%3a27z
  2. theirs: 2015-06-29t15%3a12%3a47z



unsure issue was, found on site (relating amazon timespan issue. did solve issue.

public static string convertdatetostring(datetime date)     {         datetime utctime;          if (date.kind == datetimekind.local)         {             utctime = new datetime(                 date.year,                 date.month,                 date.day,                 date.hour,                 date.minute,                 date.second,                 date.millisecond,                 datetimekind.local).touniversaltime();         }         else         {             utctime = date;         }          return utctime.tostring("yyyy-mm-dd\\thh:mm:ss.fff\\z", cultureinfo.invariantculture);     } 


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