Xcode 7 beta 3 crash at startup -

i have problem after xcode7 beta 3 installation: not possible me use xcode because every time crash @ startup! have crash report don't understand problem. xcode 6.4 works without problem. can me? here first line of crash report...

process:               xcode [1012] path:                  /applications/xcode-beta.app/contents/macos/xcode identifier:            com.apple.dt.xcode version:               7.0 (8163.8) build info:            ideframeworks-8163008000000000~7 code type:             x86-64 (native) parent process:        ??? [1] responsible:           xcode [1012] user id:               501  date/time:             2015-07-11 09:37:48.062 +0200 os version:            mac os x 10.10.4 (14e46) report version:        11 anonymous uuid:        9ae5a2b5-e5a8-37f4-e7b7-c9e99a3cb864  sleep/wake uuid:       60dc0ed0-51da-4158-b5ff-f5b35b44d0a4  time awake since boot: 9200 seconds time since wake:       6500 seconds  crashed thread:        0  dispatch queue: idesourcecontroltree change queue  exception type:        exc_crash (sigabrt) exception codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000  application specific information: productbuildversion: 7a152u assertion failure in /library/caches/com.apple.xbs/sources/ideframeworks/ideframeworks-8163.8/idefoundation/sourcecontrol/model/idesourcecontroltree.m:82 details:  (location) should not nil. object:   <idesourcecontrolrepository: 0x7fcdf0385930> method:   -_initwithlocation:sourcecontrolmanager: thread:   <nsthread: 0x7fcdebf0a540>{number = 1, name = main} hints:   none backtrace: 

after seeing suggestion here, solved issue deleting xcode's preferences. reliable way following terminal command, issued after quitting xcode:

defaults delete com.apple.dt.xcode

eta: other suggestions have involved changing or removing individual preference settings, after trying few of those, none worked me. there seem multiple incompatibilities in preferences between 6 , 7b3, trashing prefs entirely should work around them all.


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