excel - Highlighting data according to whether the same value turns up in another file -

in excel want highlight names in table tab1. table looks (but lot longer):

name    surname luke    skywalker han     solo leia    organa ... (up 50 names)  

i have table tab2 (saved in excel file) of names. want is:

whenever name turns in tab2, occurrence in tab1 should highlighted (color, or font size or such).

i read (german) tutorial, gives me mistake. code following:

="vergleich(a2;teilnahmeliste ausgefüllt!b2:b51;0)" 

(i'm working german version of excel; vergleich means compare in english; "teilnahmeliste ausgefüllt" name of second file, a.k.a. tab2.)

i think mistake have not included name of spreadsheet (tab2 has 3 spreadsheets; 1 need called "komplett").

  1. yes, here no use pointing workbook containing several sheets without mention of sheet.
  2. the real name of "tab2" workbook has space in it, in formulae references need enclosed - single inverted commas usual.
  3. the full name of workbook include extension (i assume .xlsx) , if needs part of formula.
  4. given need both workbook name , sheet name syntax requires use of brackets, so: '[teilnahmeliste ausgefüllt.xlsx]komplett'! refer specific sheet in specific book.
  5. you "my code following: ="vergleich(a2;teilnahmeliste ausgefüllt!b2:b51;0)"" not code - double inverted commas mean merely string of text.
  6. as shown not have specific 'key' - example means differentiate between luke (skywalker) , luke (evangelista) luke skywalker , nat skywalker. conventional solution create unique keys such with:


in c1 , copied down suit (assuming name in a1 in both sheets). keying lookup array required, corresponding key in search formula may created within search formula "on fly" recommend above formula in both sheets.

  1. vergleich means compare in english excel function name in english match.
  2. the next issue excel's conditional formatting not 'span' workbooks:

you may not use references other workbooks conditional formatting criteria.

however, use of indirect can workaround.

  1. using indirect introduce issue - both workbooks must open function work effectively.
  2. so, english function names , delimiter think should select columnc (in either sheet - depending upon comparison want)
  3. home > styles - conditional formatting, new rule..., use formula determine cells format , format values formula true::

=match(c1,indirect("'[teilnahmeliste ausgefüllt.xlsx]komplett'!$c:$c"),0)>0

format... formatting of choice, ok, ok.

  1. where german language , locale version formula may be:

=vergleich(c1;indirekt("'[teilnahmeliste ausgefüllt.xlsx]komplett'!$c:$c");0)>0


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