ios - When using cocoapods, what is the best way to change the PRODUCT_NAME? -

i created app name "abc". months later decided change name "abcd". believe way changed it, in podfile, changed target "abc" do target "abcd" do. however, recall going through quite few issues/errors afterward in workspace caused lot of stress. long ago can't quite recall though.

now i'm ready submit, , want change name 1 last time. i've changed name in itunes connect, want change product_name, , bundle identifier match.

what best way this? should change target fields in podfile? or should leave them, , change else in xcode? or need change both or more 1 thing?

when have pod file .xcworkspace , pods.xcodeproj generated dynamically pod install process.

so 1 way deal is

  1. change product name
  2. close project in xcode
  3. discard existing .xcworkspace, pods folder & podfile.lock
  4. run pod install again.

the cocoapods engine regenerate project, pull pods cache , recreate pods.xcodeproj new project settings.

this might little more complex in case have other dependancies besides main project , pods project in workspace.

you'll want have committed source control before can revert if goes wrong.


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