makefile - Zombie window in C++ software writen on Ubuntu -

i wrote c++ software using gtk2 library ui.

it'a simple software analyze map coded on xml file calculate shortest path between 2 points , draw on image (i'm using cairo library this).

the compilation (with makefile) gave no errors when execute program window appears empty.if try compile debug option (-g) , execute program ddd debugging returns "no debugging symbols found".

makefile is

cxxflags += -wall `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` objectsmy = main.o interface.o callback.o map.o path.o draw.o navigator: dependenciesmy $(objectsmy)    g++ -g $(objectsmy) -o navigator `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags --libs` dependenciesmy:     g++ -mm main.cpp interface.cpp callback.cpp map.cpp path.cpp draw.cpp            > dependenciesmy -include dependenciesmy .phony: clean cleanall clean:    rm $(objectsmy) dependenciesmy    rm $ map.png cleanall:    rm $(objectsmy) navigator dependenciesmy    rm $ map.png 

can see error in this?

you passing -g linker , not compiler. if there's no debugging info in object files there won't in executable. need add -g cxxflags.


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