EXCEL 2010 VBA copying graphs -

so confused on how excel copy/ paste works. have code copies 1 graph picture , paste's in new sheet.

    worksheets(redemp).chartobjects("chart 6").copypicture     pasterow = pasterow + 24     worksheets("print").cells(pasterow, 2).select     worksheets("print").paste 

if run macro manually works of time (with multiple excel files opened) if run macro via vb script , no other excel file open works of time. if run macro via vb script , excel file open code works 20% of time , 80% of time 'run time error 1004: paste paste method of worksheet class failed

i did quite bit of research have not found solution yet. appreciated.


    private sub changeandcopy()     'changes company in "debt redemption sheet" , copy/paste's (info , redemption tables , chart) new sheet      'create variables sheet names         dim redemp, auxil, pdf string          redemp = "debt redemptions profile"         auxil = "auxiliary"         pdf = "print"      'call sub takes sheet name input , sets row height, font height , printing margins         call pagesetup(pdf, 10, 6)      'set variables pasting in printing sheet (pastecol/row)         dim issuer_row1, issuer_rowl, i, pasterow integer          pastecol = 1         pasterow = 1      'find rows of variables in auxiliarry sheet company names used in loop         issuer_row1 = 3         issuer_rowl = worksheets(auxil).cells(3, 2).end(xldown).row          worksheets(redemp).cells(8, 4).value = year(date)         worksheets(redemp).cells(10, 4).value = "both"          = issuer_row1 issuer_rowl      'changes copany in the sheet "debt redemptions profile"             worksheets(redemp).cells(6, 4).value = worksheets(auxil).cells(i, 2).value      'finds issuer code in auxiliarry sheet             issuercode = worksheets(auxil).cells(i, 3).value      'copies range info data (company name, year, etc.)             worksheets(redemp).range("b3:d11").copy             worksheets("print").cells(pasterow, pastecol).pastespecial xlpastevalues 'andnumberformats             worksheets("print").cells(pasterow, pastecol).pastespecial xlpasteformats      'copies maturity profile             worksheets(redemp).range("f3:n25").copy             pasterow = pasterow + 10             worksheets(pdf).cells(pasterow, pastecol).pastespecial xlpastevalues 'andnumberformats             worksheets(pdf).cells(pasterow, pastecol).pastespecial xlpasteformats      **'copies chart             worksheets(redemp).chartobjects("chart 6").copypicture             pasterow = pasterow + 24             worksheets(pdf).cells(pasterow, pastecol + 1).activate             worksheets(pdf).paste**      'call sub filters maturing debts according issuer code , copies , paste's result in print sheet             pasterow = pasterow + 22             call filtersheet(issuercode, pasterow, 2)             worksheets(pdf).cells(pasterow - 1, 1).value = "redemptions schedule 6 months ahead"             worksheets(pdf).cells(pasterow - 1, 1).font.bold = true              pasterow = pasterow + 21           next      end sub 

try this:

activeworkbook.worksheets(redemp).chartobjects("chart 6").copypicture pasterow = pasterow + 24 activeworkbook.worksheets("print").cells(pasterow, 2).pastespecial 


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