Javascript: Is This Truly Signed Integer Division -

given following code, both a , b numbers representing values within range of signed 32-bit signed integers:

var quotient = ((a|0) / (b|0))|0; 

and assuming runtime in full compliance ecmascript 6 specifications, value of quotient always correct signed integer division of a , b integers? in other words, proper method achieve true signed integer division in javascript equivalent machine instruction?

i'm no expert on floating-point numbers, wikipedia says doubles have 52 bits of precision. logically, seems 52 bits should enough reliably approximate integer division of 32-bit integers.

dividing minimum , maximum 32-bit signed ints, -2147483648 / 2147483647, produces -1.0000000004656613, still reasonable amount of significant digits. same goes inverse, 2147483647 / -2147483648, produces -0.9999999995343387.

an exception division zero, mentioned in comment. linked question states, integer division 0 throws sort of error, whereas floating-point coercion results in (1 / 0) | 0 == 0.

update: according another answer, integer division in c truncates towards zero, |0 in javascript. in addition, division 0 undefined, javascript technically not incorrect in returning zero. unless i've missed else, answer original question should yes.

update 2: relevant sections of ecmascript 6 spec: how divide numbers , how convert 32-bit signed integer, what |0 does.


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