android - How can i send either an image or a video file using ACTION_SEND? -

i want share either image or video file using action_send. when users taps on image , selects "share image/video" should send either image selected or video selected.

here code using:

if (filep != null) {        }       file sending=new file(filep);       intent intent = new intent();       intent.setaction(android.content.intent.action_send);       intent.setdataandtype(uri.fromfile(sending),getmimetype(sending.getabsolutepath()));       intent.putextra(intent.extra_stream, sending);       startactivity(intent.createchooser(intent , "share"));     }    private string getmimetype(string url)     {         string parts[]=url.split("\\.");         string extension=parts[parts.length-1];         string type = null;         if (extension != null) {             mimetypemap mime = mimetypemap.getsingleton();             type = mime.getmimetypefromextension(extension);         }         return type; 

so when testing, takes me app want use share i.e whatsapp, facebook, email etc. , when selecting either one, says "sharing failed, please try again." can't seem figure out why doesn't work. have same code display either image or video file full screen action_view , seems work great not sharing.

can assist please?

extra_stream needs uri, , not passing uri. use uri.fromfile() construct uri.

also, replace setdataandtype() settype(), action_send not use data aspect of intent.


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