javascript - Swapping out background images for background gifs -

so have 4 li's contain images inside them gifs in li have "display: none;" inline on them. , when hover on li's, images swap realated gif, seen here in jquery wrote:

jquery(".swap").mouseenter(function () {     var me = jquery(this);     me.attr('src', me.attr('src').replace('.jpg', '.gif')); }); jquery(".swap").mouseleave(function () {     var me = jquery(this);     me.attr('src', me.attr('src').replace('.gif', '.jpg')); }); 

and here html:

<li>     <img class="swap" src="image-box.jpg" />     <img class="swap" src="image-box.gif" /> </li> <li>     <img class="swap" src="image-box2.jpg" />     <img class="swap" src="image-box2.gif" /> </li> 

i noticed these gifs still being loaded site on mobile after hiding elements , containers. decided make images background images of div inside li (since links need wrapped around image itself) , it's laid out this:

<li>     <a href="#">        <div class="swap" id="imageone"></div>     </a> </li> <li>     <a href="#">        <div class="swap" id="imagetwo"></div>     </a> </li> 

and jquery wrote swap out images gifs follows:

jquery("#imageone").mouseenter(function () {     jquery(this).css('background-image','url(image-box.gif)');     }); jquery("#imageone").mouseleave(function () {         jquery(this).css('background-image','url(image-box.jpg)');     });  jquery("#imagetwo").mouseenter(function () {     jquery(this).css('background-image','url(image-box2.gif)');     }); jquery("#imagetwo").mouseleave(function () {         jquery(this).css('background-image','url(image-box2.jpg)');     }); 

so question how can simplify new script wrote make more concise. on actual site there 4 li's jquery looks huge , messy. know there must better way of swapping out

if difference between jpeg , gif filenames file extension (ie file names same), can still reuse original script replace image's reference:

jquery(".swap").mouseenter(function () {     var me = jquery(this);     me.css('background-image', me.css('background-image').replace('.jpg', '.gif')); }); jquery(".swap").mouseleave(function () {     var me = jquery(this);     me.css('background-image', me.css('background-image').replace('.gif', '.jpg')); }); 


<li>     <div class="swap" style="background-image:url('image/image-1.jpg');"></div> </li> <li>     <div class="swap" style="background-image:url('image/image-2.jpg');"></div> </li> 

you can prime gifs on document ready they're in cache when want swap:

jquery(document).on('ready', function(){     jquery('.swap').each(function(){     //create hidden image     var $img = jquery('<img>').css({       'visibility':'hidden',       'position':'absolute',       'z-index:-1'     });     //create trigger once image loaded     $img.on('load', function(){       jquery(this).remove();     });     //add dom     jquery('body').append($img);     //set image source call server image     $img.attr('src', jquery(this).css('background-image').slice(4, -1).replace('.jpg', '.gif'))   }); }); 

i have not tested this, i'm assuming same swaping logic should still relevant.


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