Android parcelable for android objects like mediaplayer -

i have searched today how make parcelable share objects between activities through intent. examples found custom objects basic data int/string/arraylists etc. there way make parcelable of mediaplayer object ? far have this:

public class mpparcelable implements parcelable {     private mediaplayer mp;      public int describecontents() {         return 0;     }      public void writetoparcel(parcel out, int flags) {         out.writevalue(mp);     }      public static final parcelable.creator<mpparcelable> creator             = new parcelable.creator<mpparcelable>() {         public mpparcelable createfromparcel(parcel in) {             return new mpparcelable(in);         }          public mpparcelable[] newarray(int size) {             return new mpparcelable[size];         }     };      private mpparcelable(parcel in) {         mp = in.readvalue();     } } 

the part don't know todo on setter if can that: mp = in.readvalue(); don't know how read mediaplayer object.

is there way make parcelable of mediaplayer object ?

no, because not class. occasionally, can create wrapper around other class , wrapper can parcelable, not see how work mediaplayer.

imho, want (sharing mediaplayer between components) code smell. either each component should have own mediaplayer, or mediaplayer should centrally managed (e.g., via service).


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