android - Editing text size of a sub item in a listview -

i want edit textsize, textcolor , textstyle of subitem in listview.

<listview     android:id="@+id/order_list"     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:layout_below="@+id/network_progress_bar"     android:layout_marginleft="15dp"     android:layout_weight="2"     android:divider="@color/list_divider"     android:dividerheight="1dp"     android:listselector="@drawable/list_row_selector"     android:stackfrombottom="true"     android:transcriptmode="normal"     android:textsize="@dimen/subhead"     android:textcolor="@color/black_percent_87"     android:textstyle="bold|italic"     > 

what attributes of listview can use change color, style , size of subitems?

you need make custom layout list row


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