angularjs - How to test angular-ui-Selectize using Protractor? -

i want test simple user creation form contains few dropdown controls (each 1 angular-ui-select)

i didn't find doc on how select 1 of items..

this html:

<ui-select ng-model="user.assignedgroup" theme="selectize" class="dropdown">                             <ui-select-match placeholder="{{::strings('userdetails.assigntogroupplaceholder')}}">{{$}}</ui-select-match>                             <ui-select-choices repeat=" group in groups">                                 <span ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></span>                             </ui-select-choices>                         </ui-select> 

i able dropdown list open by:


what's next??


the current solution found using typing , searching specific element , "hit" enter key, it's not way want test control. have dropdown control not searchable well....

var selectgroupbutton = element(by.model('user.assignedgroup'));         var selectinput = selectgroupbutton.element(by.css('.ui-select-search'));          // click open select{             // type text             selectinput.sendkeys('group1\n');         }); 

you can access child elements using different css selectors, example:

$('.dropdown ui-select-match:first-child'); 

and after can achieve behaviour want.

i recommend here:


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