ruby on rails - Multiple arguments with block in FactoryGirl -

i have method in spec\factories\campaigns.rb:

def campaign_trait(name, *callback_attrs, &block)   trait name     association :campaign_type, factory: [:campaign_type, name]      after(:build) |campaign, evaluator|       eval_str = ""       callback_attrs.each |arg|         arg = [arg] unless arg.is_a? array          method_name = arg.shift         method_args = arg         method_name = "add_#{method_name}" unless respond_to? method_name          eval_str << method_name.to_s         eval_str << "(campaign"         eval_str << ", evaluator" if method_name == "add_campaign_scopes"         if method_args.any? ! { |i| i.is_a?(symbol) ? ":#{i}" : }           eval_str << ", " <<', ')         end         eval_str << ")\n"       end       eval eval_str     end      yield(block) if block_given?   end end 

i call here:

factorygirl.define     campaign_trait :basket, :campaign_scopes, [:banner, :basket]       initialize_with {, without_protection: true) }       emitent_article 'emitent'       emitent_name 'emitent'     end end 

the problem face in method campaign_trait callback_attrs equals [:campaign_scopes, []] instead of expected [:campaign_scopes, [:banner, :basket]].

if call campaign_trait without block, ok , [:campaign_scopes, [:banner, :basket]] expected.

could please me?

the problem was calling campaign_trait number of times through many tests , somehow (i don't know why), callback_attrs shared between tests. , method_name = arg.shift breaks code modifying callback_attrs.

thanks, broisatse! deep debugging helped me.


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