ibm mq - How to find local transmission queue of remote MQ queue in Java? -

in java application mqqueue object using

mqqueue tqueue  = qmanager.accessqueue(tqname, tqoptions); 

the queue remote queue. there way corresponding local transmission queue ?

(using mq 7.5)


yes, using runmqsc console.

first on command prompt run

runmqsc <qmgr>.

once console opens run

dis qr<remote q> xmitq 

to display transmit queue used remote queue definition.


another method use pcf classes.

      pcfmessageagent pcfma = new pcfmessageagent("qm");       pcfmessage pcfcmd = new pcfmessage(mqconstants.mqcmd_inquire_q);       pcfcmd.addparameter(mqconstants.mqca_q_name, "q.remote");       pcfmessage[] pcfresponse = pcfma.send(pcfcmd);       string xmitqname = (string) pcfresponse[0].getparametervalue(mqconstants.mqca_xmit_q_name);       system.out.println("xmitq name " + xmitqname); 


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