iphone - Swift/SpriteKit - How to add points when an object collides with a player -

i want know how give player plus 1 point every time player collides object. every time object collided with, @ on previous amount. example: if have 5 coins , collected 5 in current game overall amount of coins have 10. grate if link me place has tutorial of in swift not in objective-c.

note: have set-up coins spawning , collision works when player collides game ends.

code, have removed code not necessary:

import foundation  import spritekit  class gamescene: skscene, skphysicscontactdelegate {      var movingground: ppmovingground!     var square1: ppsquare1!     var wallgen: ppwallgen!     var diamondgen: ppdiamondgen!      var isstarted = false     var screentapped = avaudioplayer()     var isgameover = false     var isdiamondcontact = false      override func didmovetoview(view: skview) {                         addmovingground()         addsquare1()         adddiamondgen()         addwallgen()         start()         adddiamondslabels()                     }      func addmovingground() {         movingground = ppmovingground(size: cgsizemake(view!.frame.width, kmlgroundheight))         movingground.position = cgpointmake(0, view!.frame.size.height/2)         addchild(movingground)     }      func addsquare1() {         square1 = ppsquare1()         square1.position = cgpointmake(70, movingground.position.y + movingground.frame.size.height/2 + square1.frame.size.height/2)         square1.zposition = 1         playernode.addchild(square1)     }      func adddiamondgen() {         diamondgen = ppdiamondgen(color: uicolor.clearcolor(), size: view!.frame.size)         diamondgen.position = view!.center         addchild(diamondgen)     }      func addwallgen() {         wallgen = ppwallgen(color: uicolor.clearcolor(), size: view!.frame.size)         wallgen.position = view!.center         addchild(wallgen)     }      func adddiamondslabels() {         let diamondslabel = ppdiamondslabel(num: 0)         diamondslabel.name = "diamondpointslabel"         diamondslabel.alpha = 0.50         diamondslabel.position.x = view!.center.x - 120         diamondslabel.position.y = view!.center.y + 1000         diamondslabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()         diamondslabel.fontname = "helvetica"         diamondslabel.fontsize = 40         addchild(diamondslabel)          let diamondtotallabel = ppdiamondslabel(num: 0)         diamondtotallabel.name = "diamondhighscorelabel"         diamondtotallabel.alpha = 0.50         diamondtotallabel.position = cgpointmake(view!.frame.size.width - 40, view!.frame.size.height - 60)         diamondtotallabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()         diamondtotallabel.fontname = "helvetica"         diamondtotallabel.fontsize = 24         addchild(diamondtotallabel)          let diamondtotaltextlabel = sklabelnode(text: "diamonds: ")         diamondtotaltextlabel.alpha = 0.95         diamondtotaltextlabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()         diamondtotaltextlabel.fontsize = 22.0         diamondtotaltextlabel.fontname = "helvetica"         diamondtotaltextlabel.position = cgpointmake(-90.0,2.0)         diamondtotallabel.addchild(diamondtotaltextlabel)     }       func start() {         isstarted = true          square1.stop()         movingground.start()         wallgen.startgenwallsevery(1)         diamondgen.startgendiamondsevery(1)     }      func collisionwithdiamond() {         isdiamondcontact = true      }       // mark - game lifecycle       func gameover() {         isgameover = true          // stops          square1.fall()         wallgen.stopwalls()         diamondgen.stopdiamonds()         movingground.stop()         square1.stop()           // create game on label         let gameoverlabel = sklabelnode(text: "game over!")         gameoverlabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()         gameoverlabel.fontname = "helvetica"         gameoverlabel.position.x = view!.center.x         gameoverlabel.position.y = view!.center.y + 80         gameoverlabel.fontsize = 22.0         addchild(gameoverlabel)        override func touchesbegan(touches: set<nsobject>, withevent event: uievent) {      }      override func update(currenttime: cftimeinterval) {      }        // mark: - skphysicscontactdelegate     func didbegincontact(contact: skphysicscontact) {          if !isgameover {             gameover()         } else {             !isdiamondcontact             collisionwithdiamond()         }      } 

you can create skspritenodes (that collide) .physicsbody.categorybitmask = whateverbitmask , in didbegincontact can check see if either contact.bodya.categorybitmask == whateverbitmask or contact.bodyb.categorybitmask == whateverbitmask. if true increment coin total. of course need implement whateverbitmask (see below)

have @ section on collisions @ http://www.raywenderlich.com/87231/make-game-like-mega-jump-sprite-kit-swift-part-1 further information


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