jquery - RSSHow can I pull just ONE cell of data at a time for Google Sheets to embed into my HTML content? -

in google's new version of spreadsheets, ability export data public sheets using rss seems missing. can find plenty of tutorials on how take entire spreadsheet , embed html page, or way use csv file display data in table on html page, that's not i'm trying do.

what want take contents of individual cells of spreadsheet , display them inline in html page part of page's content matched formatting of text around it. used able using following:

<script>  if (window.xmlhttprequest) {  xmlhttp=new xmlhttprequest();  } else {  xmlhttp=new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp");  } xmlhttp.open("get","https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/spreadsheet_key/od4/public/basic/r1c1",false);  xmlhttp.send();  xmldoc=xmlhttp.responsexml;  var x=xmldoc.getelementsbytagname("entry");  (i=0;i<x.length;i++) {  document.write(x[i].getelementsbytagname("content")[0].childnodes[0].nodevalue);  }  </script> 
  • the "spreadsheet_key" public or "anyone link" spreadsheet id url of google spreadsheet.
  • the "od4" change if wanted use different tab within same spreadsheet.
  • the "r1c1" referred "row 1, column 1", or "a1" known in spreadsheet.

i add script part of page's html code wanted text spreadsheet cell appear (matching surrounding font's style) changing "r_c_" part @ end. example, put contents of cell b5 in changing "r5c2" because column 2 (b), row 5. put individual cells' data wherever wanted. anytime wanted page's data change, change spreadsheet , page updated next time refreshed it.

but now, not case. seems new version of google spreadsheets removed ability pull rss data public or "anyone has link" sheets, , therefore no longer works me @ all! there alternative i'm looking do?

my preference pull data directly google spreadsheet change page's data @ will, i'm willing use csv or excel file of spreadsheet data stored on server. add step of having change saved csv or excel file every time wanted make change data, have have make work.

thanks in advance advice.


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