highcharts - Using global data in High Charts point click custom function in R Shiny -

i trying show different table or plot in different div when bar on a bar plot clicked. have come far.


    library(shiny)     shinyserver(function(input,output,session) {     custom_data = # data frame in r     barclick_func <- "#! function() {                             var cats = ['100','200','3000','4000'];                             var datum = [20,40,30,10];                     }                            $('#container_subcat').highcharts({                             chart: {                                     type: 'column',                             },                             xaxis: { categories:cats },                             series: [{data :datum}]                     });      } !#"      output$my_plot <- renderchart2({                     <- hplot(x="id",y="variable",data=custom_data,type="column")                     a$tooltip( animation = 'true', formatter = "#! function() {return '<b>' + 'frequency of tag_id ' + this.x + '</b>' + ' ' + this.y;} !#")                     a$plotoptions(series = list(color = '#388e8e'),column = list(datalabels = list(enabled = t, rotation =-90, align = 'right', color = '#ffffff', x = 4, y = 10), cursor = 'pointer', point = list(events = list(click = barclick_func))))                     return(a)             })     }) 


library(shiny) require(rcharts) shinyui(fluidpage(   tags$head(     tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "custom.css"),     tags$script(src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-git2.min.js"),   ),   titlepanel("test"),   fluidrow(         showoutput("my_plot","highcharts")   ),   div(id="container_subcat",style="min-width: 310-px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top:100px;")  ) )) 

in above server.r script, in barclick_func() function, data(variables cats , datum) hardcoded. above app works expected when bar clicked, plot pops data.

but, if want use data, if have data frame in r , want use data frame in barclick_func(), console throwing error variable not recognized , if @ type of variable, shows 'undefined'. can suggest how send data javascript function in particular case. ideally, desired code this.


    library(shiny)     shinyserver(function(input,output,session) {     custom_data = # data frame in r      custom_data2 = # data frame in r wanna shoe plot when bar clicked.      barclick_func <- "#! function() {                               var cats = #subsetting custom_data2 ;                             var datum = #subsetting custom_data2 ;                        }                            $('#container_subcat').highcharts({                             chart: {                                     type: 'column',                             },                             xaxis: { categories:cats },                             series: [{data :datum}]                     });      } !#"      output$my_plot <- renderchart2({                     <- hplot(x="id",y="variable",data=custom_data,type="column")                     a$tooltip( animation = 'true', formatter = "#! function() {return '<b>' + 'frequency of tag_id ' + this.x + '</b>' + ' ' + this.y;} !#")                     a$plotoptions(series = list(color = '#388e8e'),column = list(datalabels = list(enabled = t, rotation =-90, align = 'right', color = '#ffffff', x = 4, y = 10),  cursor = 'pointer', point = list(events = list(click = barclick_func))))                     return(a)             })     }) 

you try using paste add data barclick_func.

for example:

         custom_data2 = data.frame(cats=c(100,200,3000,400),datum=c(20,40,30,10))           barclick_func <- paste("#! function() {           var cats = ",paste('[',paste(custom_data2$cats,collapse=','),']',sep=''),"         var datum = ",paste('[',paste(custom_data2$datum,collapse=','),']',sep=''),";           }                $('#container_subcat').highcharts({         chart: {         type: 'column',         },         xaxis: { categories:cats },         series: [{data :datum}]         });          } !#") 

should give same barclick_func in hardcoded version.


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