javascript - Check if starSpin() is already running and stop it using stopSpin() in case it is running -

i using spin.js show spinner before data gets loaded on screen. have several tabs. everytime, click on tab, shows spinner , have kept stopspin() inside function when data gets loaded, spinner stop.

this runs fine in normal condition. user clicks tab -- spinner starts -- data gets loaded-- spinner stops.

but when click on tab , @ moment click on other tab, spinner keeps on spinning. spinner of first tab clicked. didnt let complete function run , when clicked on other tab, new spinner got loaded , stops. first tabs spinner continues spin...

is there way check if can see if spinner running , stop if @ running.

**\$("#rpt21 a.keepopen").click(function(){ \$("#report_panel").html(""); \$("#report_panel,#report_header,#report_panel_alldata,#report_header_alldata").hide();

    $get_parameters;     startspin();     x = getdataforrpt(rmanager,manager,account,folderdate,pricedate,"buy_list","$tmp_rpt_folder","$tmp_rpt","runrpt");     \$("#report_panel").show();  });** 


    function getdataforrpt(rmanager,manager,account,folderdate,pricedate,rpt_name,tmp_folder,tmp_rpt,action)     {      var perlurl= "$thiscode";      \$.ajax({                url:    perlurl,         data:   {rmanager:  rmanager,              manager:   manager,              account:   account,              folderdate:    folderdate,              pricedate: pricedate,              rpt_name:  rpt_name,              tmp_folder:    tmp_folder,              tmp_rpt:   tmp_rpt,              action:    action              },         success: function(result) {                           if(result.isok == false){                               alert("no data");}                            //\$("#report_panel").load("$url_link/webtmp/$tmp_rpt");                      \$("#report_panel").html("<object data='$url_link/webtmp/$tmp_rpt' , type='text/html' width=97% height=100%></object>");                   //\$("#report_panel").html('<object data="" type="text/html" width=1000 height=500 ></object>');     //\$("#report_panel").load("");                             stopspin();                        },           });        } 


you can see here have used start spin when tab clicked. there several functions , each has startspin() in it.

the getdataforrpt common. have kept 1 stopspin() there.

i got answer this. if wants know, here is.

**function startspin(){ startspin.called = true; var target = document.getelementbyid('spin_container'); var spinner = new spinner(opts).spin(target); \$('#spin_container').data('spinner', spinner); }** 

insert startspin.called = true; in main function , type below wherever want spinner load. way, check if spinner active or not. if active, stop original spinner first , proceed next function.

**if (startspin.called){ stopspin();`enter code here` 



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