php - Strip "$" from csv file -

i have php page takes in csv file , uploads database. issue having of fields have '$' not need. there way remove $ of fields?

data structure

coll_id   cocc_id   agedtotal    paymenttotal     5074      11110     $7.50        ($7.50) 

my query

$deleterecords = "truncate table mytable"; //empty table of     current records mysql_query($deleterecords);  //upload file if (isset($_post['submit'])) {     $i=0;     if (is_uploaded_file($_files['filename']['tmp_name'])) {     echo "<h1>" . "file ". $_files['filename']['name'] ." uploaded successfully." . "</h1>";     echo "<h2>displaying contents:</h2>";     readfile($_files['filename']['tmp_name']); }  //import uploaded file database $handle = fopen($_files['filename']['tmp_name'], "r");  while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) {     if ($i>0){     $import="insert mytable(coll_id, cocc_id, agedtotal, paymenttotal) values('$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]')";      mysql_query($import) or die(mysql_error()); } $i++; } 

for whole file

$string = preg_replace(     '/((:?.*?\,){2}.*?)\$/',     '$1',     $string ); 

2 ((number of column contains $ symbol) - 1)


$data[2] = str_replace('$', '', $data[2]); 


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