ruby - error 400 from 'rest-client' gem -

i have simple ruby script invoke crontab entry, entire script below:

require 'rest-client' require 'json'  valve_id, gpio_pin, cmd, http_host = argv  # puts "valve_id --> #{valve_id},  cmd --> #{cmd}, http_host --> #{http_host}"  restclient.put "http://#{http_host}/api/valves/#{valve_id}.json", { "params" => {"cmd" => "#{cmd}"}}.to_json , :content_type => :json, :accept => :json 

here crontab entry:

ruby /home/kenb/development/coffeewater/lib/tasks/rest_client.rb  5 23  0 stargate:9292 

the resource being accessed simple rails model, valve, integer attribute 'cmd'.

i can't seem encoding right, keep getting error 400.

i have tried code , works fine own url

i think there wrong api interface, maybe should cache error message begin...rescue see happened api

here test code


require 'rest-client' require 'json'  valve_id, gpio_pin, cmd, http_host = argv  # puts "valve_id --> #{valve_id},  cmd --> #{cmd}, http_host --> #{http_host}" begin   restclient.put "", { "params" => {"cmd" => "#{cmd}","valve_id"=>"#{valve_id}","http_host"=>"#{http_host}"}}.to_json , :content_type => :json, :accept => :json rescue => e   puts e end  

run ruby ruby.rb 5 23 0 stargate:9292

here api got

{"params":{"cmd":"0","valve_id":"5","http_host":"stargate:9292"}}---------x-forwarded-for:, zoker------------------appversion: 1------------------accesskey: loy5m01zk1------------------apphash: 132------------------mysqlport: 3321------------------appcookie: default_version=1;debug=1;------------------appsrvc: 0000000000000000------------------connection: close------------------content-length: 65------------------accept: application/json------------------accept-encoding: gzip, deflate------------------content-type: application/json------------------user-agent: ruby--------- 

you can see result here


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