sql server - Stored Procedure only authenticates first user in tblUsers -

i have stored procedure authenticates users on login page.the proc first checks if email exists in table,if doesnt exist,it gives out

  select 0 emailexists 

and if email exists,it goes on checking correct password , on.my entire proc given below.the problem validates first user in tblusers , shows emailexists 0 other users.why that?

alter proc spvalidateuser     @emailadd nvarchar(20),     @password nvarchar(20) begin     set nocount on;     declare @emailexists bit,@userid nvarchar(10),@lastlogin datetime,@roleid int,@accountlocked bit,@retrycount int     if exists(select 1 tblallusers emailadd=@emailadd)     begin         select @accountlocked=islocked tblallusers emailadd=@emailadd         ----if account locked------         if(@accountlocked = 1)         begin             select 1 accountlocked,0 authenticated,0 retryattempts,1 emailexists         end         else         begin             -----check if username , password match-----             select @userid = userid, @lastlogin=lastlogin, @roleid=roleid             tblallusers emailadd=@emailadd , password=@password             ----if match found--------             if @userid not null             begin                 update tblallusers                 set lastlogin= getdate(),retryattempts=0 userid=@userid                 select @userid [userid],                 (select role tblroles                    roleid=@roleid)                   [roles],0 accountlocked,1 authenticated,0 retryattempts,1 emailexists             end             else             ------if match not found--------             begin                 select @retrycount=isnull(retryattempts,0) tblallusers emailadd=@emailadd                 set @retrycount=@retrycount+1                 if(@retrycount<=3)                 begin                     ----if retry attempts not completed------                     update tblallusers set retryattempts=@retrycount emailadd=@emailadd                      select 0 accountlocked,0 authenticated,@retrycount retryattempts,1 emailexists                 end                 else                 begin                     ------if retry attempts completed--------                     update tblallusers set retryattempts=@retrycount,islocked=1,lockeddatetime=getdate()                     emailadd=@emailadd                      select 1 accountlocked,0 authenticated,0 retryattempts,1 emailexists                 end             end         end     end     else     begin         select 0 emailexists     end end 

the way can see emailexists showing 0 every email address, if statement evaluating false. means, email address being entered not exist in tblallusers.

if exists(select 1 tblallusers emailadd=@emailadd) begin     ... else    select 0 emailexists end 

if believe not case, post table data email addresses having problems with.


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