ios - Present GameCenter authenticationVC again -

i'm facing little issue here , hope me figure out wrong.

*the test project presented below can find here : (fr) or ( *

i'm trying present user authentification view controller proposed apple gamecenter feature. more precisely, re-present if canceled on first time.

i have game storyboard :


gamenavigationcontroller :

class gamenavigationcontroller: uinavigationcontroller {     override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()          nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: selector("showauthenticationviewcontroller"), name: presentauthenticationviewcontroller, object: nil)          gamekithelper.sharedinstance.authenticatelocalplayer()     }      func showauthenticationviewcontroller() {         let gamekithelper = gamekithelper.sharedinstance          if let authenticationviewcontroller = gamekithelper.authenticationviewcontroller {             self.topviewcontroller.presentviewcontroller(authenticationviewcontroller, animated: true, completion: nil)         }     }      deinit {         nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().removeobserver(self)     } } 

menuviewcontroller :

class menuviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller {     @ibaction func didtapleaderboardbtn() {         // try 2         //if ( !gamekithelper.sharedinstance.gamecenterenabled) {             gamekithelper.sharedinstance.authenticatelocalplayer()         //} else {             gamekithelper.sharedinstance.showgkgamecenterviewcontroller(self)         //}     } } 

gamekithelper :

import gamekit import foundation  let presentauthenticationviewcontroller = "presentauthenticationviewcontroller"  let singleton = gamekithelper()  class gamekithelper: nsobject, gkgamecentercontrollerdelegate {      var authenticationviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller?     var lasterror: nserror?     var gamecenterenabled: bool      class var sharedinstance: gamekithelper {         return singleton     }      override init() {         gamecenterenabled = true         super.init()     }      func authenticatelocalplayer () {          let localplayer = gklocalplayer.localplayer()         localplayer.authenticatehandler = { (viewcontroller, error) in              self.lasterror = error              if viewcontroller != nil {                 self.authenticationviewcontroller = viewcontroller                 nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().postnotificationname(presentauthenticationviewcontroller, object: self)             } else if localplayer.authenticated {                 self.gamecenterenabled = true             } else {                 self.gamecenterenabled = false             }         }     }      func showgkgamecenterviewcontroller(viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller!) {          if ( !self.gamecenterenabled ) {             println("local player not authenticated")              // try 1             //self.authenticatelocalplayer()              return         }          let gamecenterviewcontroller = gkgamecenterviewcontroller()          gamecenterviewcontroller.gamecenterdelegate = self          gamecenterviewcontroller.viewstate = .leaderboards          viewcontroller.presentviewcontroller(gamecenterviewcontroller, animated: true, completion: nil)     }      func gamecenterviewcontrollerdidfinish(gamecenterviewcontroller: gkgamecenterviewcontroller!) {         gamecenterviewcontroller.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(true, completion: nil)     } } 

what working :

  • if user logged-in (within gamecenter app) he's able open leaderboard view ;
  • if user wasn't logged-in he's prompted log-in when game navigation controller loaded (and open leaderboard).

what not working :

  • if cancel 3 time authentification, authentification won't appear anymore (even @ launch) ; // apparently known "problem", not "fixable"
  • if user cancel authentification, when tries load leaderboard authentification won't appear again.

i tried 2-3 things can see in commented code above, none of them working ; can't make authentification view appear again.

ps : code written in swift, in objective-c welcomed well.

as have found out, if game center authentication dialog canceled 3 times, can't bring without resetting device.

there "security feature" built game center not allow app re-authenticate if user has canceled dialog without leaving app. authentication dialog show, user must leave , re-enter app.

there no way around it. i've done in couple of projects display message user:

game center not available. please make sure signed in through game center app

i show message after trying authenticate , if game center isn't available or user not signed in.


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