Unable to hide command prompt in C# windows form application visual studio 2010 -

this question has answer here:

i have made application in c# visual studio 2010. in application sending ping command cmd , receiving output of cmd in richtextbox. here code:-

void proc_outputdatareceived(object sender, datareceivedeventargs e) {     if (e.data != null)     {         string newline = e.data.trim() + environment.newline;         methodinvoker append = () => txtoutput.text += newline;         txtoutput.begininvoke(append);     } } private void btnping_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     string command = "/c ping " + txtping.text;      processstartinfo procstartinfo = new processstartinfo("cmd", command);      process proc = new process();     proc.startinfo = procstartinfo;     proc.start();      procstartinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true;     procstartinfo.useshellexecute = false;     proc.outputdatareceived += new datareceivedeventhandler(proc_outputdatareceived);     proc.start();     proc.beginoutputreadline();     proc.waitforexit(); } 

my code working great issue cmd getting popup when click on start button. , want hide cmd want show output in richtextbox. so, question is, how can hide cmd in application. here screen shot of problem.enter image description here

try adding these lines. worked me.

 procstartinfo.createnowindow = true;  procstartinfo.useshellexecute = false;  procstartinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true; 


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