C# Use int constants vs Enums without cast -

i have int constants grouped in several enum, like:

enum myenum{  object_a = 10, object_b = 13 }; 

now have several functions take enums , something, like:

void myfunc(myenum e) { .... } 

in code, need use myfunc in both these 2 ways:

myfunc(myenum.object_a); myfunc(13); 

this gives error because ints aren't casted enum implicitly.

what recommend best practice preserving readability of code?

an obvious solution use myfunc((myenum)13); boring because 1 needs cast int every time , code gets heavy.

so far did (avoiding enums @ all):

using echannelint = system.int32;  public static class echannel {     public static readonly int ch_connection        = 10;     public static readonly int ch_data              = 50; }  public void doit(echannelint ch) { .... }  doit(echannel.ch_data); doit(10); 

which works, don't because seems "trick" or renaming thigs. suggest? perhaps "implicit operator" may useful?

thank you

you can overload myfunc:

void myfunc(int i) {     myfunc((myenum)i); } 


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