github - Beginner Git merge confuse about two branches -

i new git, , i'm confused.

here's example:

  • i build repo called prj in office.
  • i add image , commit github
  • later, when home, clone repo, check out new branch (let's call home) , replace image 1 same name.
  • then, after go office, delete old image, , update remote branch. seems work @ stage.
  • i use git diff master origin/home, shows new node added image. however, when run git merge origin/home, image added @ home can not added local master.

where did wrong? how can svn update?

on office computer - don't delete image. reset local changes image file, pull. should see it's content update.

if still don't see update, delete old image, commit deletion, try adding new image again. git weird replacing files have same name.


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