how to add test dependency with android gradle plugin experimental 0.1.0 -

i followed this guide build ndk hybrid project on android studio 1.3.0 rc1 gradle-experimental:0.1.0.

everything ok, if try add test library dependency, found method androidtestcompile not supported more. this:

error: dsl method not found

and testcompile cause same error.

the offical guide doesn't talk this. so, how can add add test dependency gradle-experimental or version not supports function?

this build.gradle(project):

// top-level build file can add configuration options common sub-projects/modules.  buildscript {     repositories {         jcenter()     }     dependencies {         classpath ''     } }  allprojects {     repositories {         jcenter()     } } 

this build.gradle(moudle):

apply plugin: ''  model {     android {         compilesdkversion = 22         buildtoolsversion = "23.0.0 rc3"          defaultconfig.with {             applicationid = ""             minsdkversion.apilevel = 15             targetsdkversion.apilevel = 22             versioncode = 5             versionname = "2.0 canary"             testinstrumentationrunner = ""         }     }      android.buildtypes {         release {             isminifyenabled = true             proguardfiles += file('')         }     }      android.productflavors {         create("flavor1") {             applicationid = ''         }     }      android.ndk {         modulename = "c_test"     } }  dependencies {       androidtestcompile ''     // set dependency use junit 4 rules     androidtestcompile ''     // set dependency build , run espresso tests     androidtestcompile ''       compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])     compile ''     compile ''  } 

you need ensure using gradle 2.5. under file > project structure, navigate project , set "gradle version" 2.5. under file > settings, navigate build, execution, deployment > build tools > gradle , make sure "use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" checked. edit gradle wrapper editing project's gradle/wrapper/ file. mine looks this:

#mon jul 13 17:55:42 edt 2015 distributionbase=gradle_user_home distributionpath=wrapper/dists zipstorebase=gradle_user_home zipstorepath=wrapper/dists distributionurl=https\:// 

i did these steps in above order, after thinking when writing this, perhaps best reverse order. found needed exit android studio , restart before changes recognized. perhaps cached somewhere, or perhaps artifact of order in did things.

also, see this thread little more info setting gradle version.


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