ios - UITableViewCell height incorrect, sizeToFit sizes incorrectly -

i attempting create custom uitableviewcell, , having issues cell frame having proper height. troubling because cell sizes correctly iphones 4s/5s running ios 8.4, not iphones 6/6+ running same os.

chaos ensues around calling sizetofit on messagelabel. of labels appear have extra, blank lines below, not tall cell makes them out be.

below custom cell. label appears cause trouble messagelabel. view frames of labels, let borders = true

// //  notestableviewcell.swift //  urchin // //  created ethan on 6/17/15. //  copyright (c) 2015 tidepool. rights reserved. //  import foundation import uikit  let notecellheight: cgfloat = 128 let notecellinset: cgfloat = 16 let labelspacing: cgfloat = 6  class notecell: uitableviewcell {      let borders = false      var cellheight: cgfloat = cgfloat()      let usernamelabel: uilabel = uilabel()     let timedatelabel: uilabel = uilabel()     var messagelabel: uilabel = uilabel()      func configurewithnote(note: note) {          usernamelabel.text = note.user!.fullname         usernamelabel.font = uifont(name: "opensans-bold", size: 17.5)!         usernamelabel.textcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()         usernamelabel.sizetofit()         let usernamex = notecellinset         let usernamey = notecellinset         usernamelabel.frame.origin = cgpoint(x: usernamex, y: usernamey)          let dateformatter = nsdateformatter()         dateformatter.dateformat = "eeee m.d.yy h:mm a"         var datestring = dateformatter.stringfromdate(note.timestamp)         datestring = datestring.stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring("pm", withstring: "pm", options: nsstringcompareoptions.literalsearch, range: nil)         datestring = datestring.stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring("am", withstring: "am", options: nsstringcompareoptions.literalsearch, range: nil)         timedatelabel.text = datestring         timedatelabel.font = uifont(name: "opensans", size: 12.5)!         timedatelabel.textcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()         timedatelabel.sizetofit()         let timedatex = contentview.frame.width - (notecellinset + timedatelabel.frame.width)         let timedatey = usernamelabel.frame.midy - timedatelabel.frame.height / 2         timedatelabel.frame.origin = cgpoint(x: timedatex, y: timedatey)          messagelabel.frame.size = cgsize(width: contentview.frame.width - 2 * notecellinset, height: cgfloat.max)         let hashtagbolder = hashtagbolder()         let attributedtext = hashtagbolder.boldhashtags(note.messagetext)         messagelabel.attributedtext = attributedtext         messagelabel.adjustsfontsizetofitwidth = false         messagelabel.linebreakmode = nslinebreakmode.bywordwrapping         messagelabel.numberoflines = 0         messagelabel.sizetofit()         let messagex = notecellinset         let messagey = usernamelabel.frame.maxy + 2 * labelspacing         messagelabel.frame.origin = cgpoint(x: messagex, y: messagey)          contentview.addsubview(usernamelabel)         contentview.addsubview(timedatelabel)         contentview.addsubview(messagelabel)          cellheight = notecellinset + usernamelabel.frame.height + 2 * labelspacing + messagelabel.frame.height + notecellinset          if (borders) {             usernamelabel.layer.borderwidth = 1             usernamelabel.layer.bordercolor = uicolor.redcolor().cgcolor              timedatelabel.layer.borderwidth = 1             timedatelabel.layer.bordercolor = uicolor.redcolor().cgcolor              messagelabel.layer.borderwidth = 1             messagelabel.layer.bordercolor = uicolor.redcolor().cgcolor              self.contentview.layer.borderwidth = 1             self.contentview.layer.bordercolor = uicolor.bluecolor().cgcolor         }          self.contentview.frame.size = cgsize(width: self.contentview.frame.width, height: cellheight)     }   } 

and heightforrowatindexpath:

func tableview(tableview: uitableview, heightforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> cgfloat {        let cell = notecell(style: .default, reuseidentifier: nil)        cell.configurewithnote(notes[indexpath.row])        return cell.cellheight } 

the project open source , on github, feel free clone repository , check out of code yourself.

thank you!

unfortunately, can't way because tableview(_:heightforrowatindexpath) called first , value return used create cell dequeue in tableview(_:cellforrowatindexpath). cell can't set own size because time (e.g. awakefromnib or prepareforresuse), table view have height value it. there whacky workarounds i've used, it's easier use self-sizing table view cells.

check it:


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