Have PDFs in folders. Need to record the names and locations in Excel -
don't see questions similar looking for.
i have 20k+ pdfs stored in various locations on c drive. don't have complete list of available or when created.
what looking find names, size , dates file created. these need recorded in excel spreadsheet
note: of pdfs buried 6 or 7 folders deep, while 1 folder deep.
can suggest way of automatically it?
i have tried using code*:
sub listallfiles() dim fs filesearch, ws worksheet, long dim r long set fs = application.filesearch fs .searchsubfolders = true ' .filetype = msofiletypeallfiles 'can modify excel files eg msofiletypeexcelworkbooks .lookin = "h:\my desktop" if .execute > 0 set ws = worksheets.add r = 1 = 1 .foundfiles.count if right(.foundfiles(i), 3) = ".pdf" or right(.foundfiles(i), 3) = ".tif" ws.cells(r, 1) = .foundfiles(i) r = r + 1 end if next else msgbox "no files found" end if end end sub
however, seems return issue in 4th line - application.filesearch
i have tried this*, works well, doesn't go folders:
sub listallfile() dim objfso object dim objfolder object dim objfile object dim ws worksheet set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set ws = worksheets.add 'get folder object associated directory set objfolder = objfso.getfolder("h:\my desktop") ws.cells(1, 1).value = "the files found in " & objfolder.name & " are:" 'loop through files collection each objfile in objfolder.files if ucase$(right$(objfile.name, 4)) = ".pdf" ws.cells(ws.usedrange.rows.count + 1, 1).value = replace$(ucase$(objfile.name), ".pdf", "") end if next 'clean up! set objfolder = nothing set objfile = nothing set objfso = nothing end sub
any gratefully appreciated.
- these codes found on net
maybe help
the main function imports output dos command: dir c:\*.pdf /s | find "pdf"
public sub listfiletypes(optional byval root string = "c:\*.", _ optional byval ext string = "pdf") const max_size long = 17 'max space reserved file sizes dim long, maxrow long, maxcol long, finfo string, ws worksheet dim arrlines variant, s string, pat string, midsp long application.screenupdating = false set ws = activesheet ws.cells.delete s = createobject("wscript.shell").exec( _ "%comspec% /c dir """ & root & ext & """ /s | find """ & ext & """" _ ).stdout.readall 'application.wait + timevalue("0:00:01") 'built-in replacement "sleep" if len(s) > 0 = max_size 2 step -1 s = replace(s, space(i), vbtab) 'replace space sets tabs next arrlines = split(s, vbcrlf) maxrow = ubound(arrlines, 1) ws .cells(1, 1).value2 = root & ext = 2 maxrow + 2 if len(arrlines(i - 2)) > 0 maxcol = ubound(split(arrlines(i - 2), vbtab)) if maxcol > 0 .range( _ .cells(i, 1), _ .cells(i, maxcol + 1)) = split(arrlines(i - 2), vbtab) 'split file size name finfo = .cells(i, maxcol + 1).value2 midsp = instr(1, finfo, " ") .cells(i, maxcol + 1).value2 = mid(finfo, 1, midsp) .cells(i, maxcol + 2).value2 = mid(finfo, midsp) end if end if next .usedrange.columns.autofit = 1 3 .columns(i).entirecolumn.columnwidth = .columns(i).columnwidth + 5 next end end if application.screenupdating = true end sub
this how can call it:
public sub testfiletypes() listfiletypes "c:\*", "pdf" 'or: listfiletypes "c:\temp\*", "pdf" end sub
it might take while if have many, generate list similar (per drive)
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