swift - how to import SwiftBond to Xcode? -

i'm trying import swiftbond framework xcode: https://github.com/swiftbond/bond

i've never imported 3rd party framework (except parse, easy do), , lost. idea on how it? downloaded zip file don't know there.


i recommend setup cocoapods , learn how use this. because there many 3rd party frameworks support cocoapods, because google announced @ year's google i/o use cocoapods main tool distributing ios frameworks (such google maps or google analytics).

you can read official cocoapods guide - getting started setup cocoapods on computer. it's quite since it's possible install ruby command:

sudo gem install cocoapods 

afterwards need create podfile in same folder xcode project (the *.xcodeproj file) following content:

use_frameworks! pod 'bond' pod 'parse' 

and run command pod install in terminal when located in same folder.


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