swift - Two sprites with same categoryBitMask colliding with third sprite -

this code i'm using:

    func didbegincontact(contact: skphysicscontact) {      var firstbody  : skphysicsbody?     var secondbody : skphysicsbody?     var thirdbody  : skphysicsbody?     var goodkind   : sknode?     var badkind    : sknode?     var bullet     : sknode?      if (contact.bodya.categorybitmask < contact.bodyb.categorybitmask) {         firstbody  = contact.bodya         secondbody = contact.bodyb          goodkind   = contact.bodyb.node         badkind    = contact.bodyb.node         bullet     = contact.bodya.node     }     else {         firstbody  = contact.bodyb         secondbody = contact.bodya          goodkind   = contact.bodya.node         badkind    = contact.bodya.node         bullet     = contact.bodyb.node     }      if (firstbody!.categorybitmask == physicscategory.tooth && secondbody!.categorybitmask == physicscategory.food) {         goodkind?.removefromparent()         counter++         println("\(counter)")     }     else if (firstbody!.categorybitmask == physicscategory.tooth && secondbody!.categorybitmask == physicscategory.wrongfood) {         badkind?.removefromparent()         bullet?.removefromparent()     } } 

if bullet collide badkind badkind removed bullet fine; if bullet collide goodkind goodkind removed , counter works fine, if 2 or more bullet collide goodkind @ same moment counter increase 2 or more times. don't want happen can't figure out how make work way want. appreciate help.


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