python - writing only one row after website scraping -

i trying extract list of golf courses in usa through this link. need extract name of golf course, address, , phone number. script suppose extract data website looks prints 1 row in csv file. noticed when print "name" field prints once despite find_all function. need data , not 1 field multiple links on website.

how go fixing script prints needed data csv file.

here script:

import csv import requests  bs4 import beautifulsoup  courses_list = []  in range(1):  url=";location=california&orderby=title&radius=6750" #.format(i)  r = requests.get(url)  soup = beautifulsoup(r.content)   g_data2=soup.find_all("div",{"class":"list"})  item in g_data2:   try:     name= item.contents[7].find_all("a",{"class":"entry-title"})[0].text     print name   except:         name=''   try:     phone= item.contents[7].find_all("p",{"class":"listing-phone"})[0].text   except:       phone=''   try:     address= item.contents[7].find_all("p",{"class":"listing-address"})[0].text   except:       address=''    course=[name,phone,address]   courses_list.append(course)   open ('pgn_final.csv','a') file:   writer=csv.writer(file)   row in courses_list:           writer.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") s in row]) 

here neat implementation code. can use library urllib2 instead of requests. , bs4 works same though.

import csv import urllib2 beautifulsoup import *  url=";location=california&orderby=title&radius=6750" #.format(i) r = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() soup = beautifulsoup(r)  courses_list = [] courses_list.append(("course name","phone number","address"))  names = soup.findall('h2', attrs={'class':'entry-title'}) phones = soup.findall('p', attrs={'class':'listing-phone'}) address = soup.findall('p', attrs={'class':'listing-address'}) na, ph, add in zip(names,phones, address):     courses_list.append((na.text,ph.text,add.text))   open ('pgn_final.csv','a') file:     writer=csv.writer(file)     row in courses_list:         writer.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") s in row]) 


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