coldfusion - returning the query row with the way the columns are called in sql query -

i have query calling columns way want, cannot use columnlist of query because sorts column alphabatically, thing need specific row of query , associated columns in structure:

so here function trying bring columns in manner want:

<cffunction name="rowtostruct" access="public" returntype="struct" output="false">     <cfargument name="queryobj" type="query" required="true" />     <cfargument name="row" type="numeric" required="true" />     <cfset var returnstruct = structnew()>     <cfset var colname = "">     <cfset arguments.queryobj = arraytolist(arguments.queryobj.getmeta().getcolumnlabels())>             <cfloop list="#arguments.queryobj#" index="colname">       <cfset "returnstruct.#colname#" = arguments.queryobj[colname][arguments.row]>     </cfloop>     <cfreturn returnstruct/> </cffunction> 

before above change function below:

<cffunction name="rowtostruct" access="public" returntype="struct" output="false">     <cfargument name="queryobj" type="query" required="true" />     <cfargument name="row" type="numeric" required="true" />      <cfset var returnstruct = structnew()>     <cfset var colname = "">      <cfloop list="#arguments.queryobj.columnlist#" index="colname">       <cfset "returnstruct.#colname#" = arguments.queryobj[colname][arguments.row]>     </cfloop>      <cfreturn returnstruct/> </cffunction> 

mine above 1 giving me error:

you have attempted dereference scalar variable of type class java.lang.string structure members.

the getmetadata() function returns columns in order defined in original statement. docs: getmetadata.

i can't see why code produce error, although i'd this:

<cfset returnstruct[colname] = arguments.queryobj[colname][arguments.row]> 

can update question exact error displays on screen, including code focuses on, , line numbers concerned (switch robust exception handling on, if it's not on already)


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