- No success in deleting a specific row from parse in android -

i'm trying delete specific row parse table, i'm getting object parse table , adding arraylist, when i'm clicking on list view i'm first checking if value 1 clicked on right one,thats ok , when i'm trying delete specific row it's deleting last row i'm doing wrong?

here code

parsequery<parseobject> query = parsequery.getquery("smstable");  (int = 0; <cm.mlist.size() ; i++) {     query.whereequalto("objectid", cm.mlist.get(i)); }  query.findinbackground(new findcallback<parseobject>() {     public void done(list<parseobject> objects, parseexception e) {         if (e == null) {             // iterate on messages , delete them             (parseobject smsobject : objects) {                 smsobject.deleteinbackground();             }         } else {             //handle condition here         }     } }); 

a query supports 1 constraint of type per field. you're doing in loop overwrites whatever have set in previous iteration of loop.

if want query multiple ids, use wherecontainedin constraint , pass in objectids list.

so instead of loop, should work:

query.wherecontainedin("objectid", {your_list_of_ids}) 

there example in documentation query constraints.


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