javascript - Problems with three.js -

i want create scene car , should able move around scene mouse using three.js.

i tried coding, works fine wanted add orbitcontrol , can't see whole scene anymore. what's wrong in there?

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<script src="js/three.js"></script> <script src="js/controls/orbitcontrols.js"></script>   <script>  var width = 1300; var height = 500;  init();  function animate() { requestanimationframe(animate); controls.update();  function init(){     var renderer = new three.webglrenderer({antialias: true});     renderer.setsize(width,height);      var camera = new three.perspectivecamera(45, width/height, 1, 10000);      camera.position.x = 5;     camera.position.y = 2;     camera.position.z = 5.3;      var controls = new three.orbitcontrols( camera );     controls.damping = 0.2;     controls.addeventlistener( 'change', render );      document.body.appendchild(renderer.domelement);      var scene = new three.scene();      var car = new three.object3d();     var body = new three.object3d();     var wheels = new three.object3d();     var ground = new three.object3d();               var cube = new three.mesh(new three.cubegeometry(2,1,5),                                     new three.meshlambertmaterial({color:0x856363}));               var cube1 = new three.mesh(new three.cubegeometry(1.8,1,3),                                     new three.meshlambertmaterial({color:0x856363}));             cube1.position.y = 0.8;      body.add(cube);     body.add(cube1);     body.position.z = -1.5;       car.add(body);     car.add(wheels);      car.rotation.y = math.pi/6;     car.position.y += 1;      car.position.x += 3;     car.position.z -= 3;               var wheel1 = new three.mesh(new three.cylindergeometry(0.8,0.8,0.4,30),                                     new three.meshlambertmaterial({color:0x800000}));             var wheel2 = new three.mesh(new three.cylindergeometry(0.8,0.8,0.4,30),                                     new three.meshlambertmaterial({color:0x800000}));             var wheel3 = new three.mesh(new three.cylindergeometry(0.8,0.8,0.4,30),                                     new three.meshlambertmaterial({color:0x800000}));             var wheel4 = new three.mesh(new three.cylindergeometry(0.8,0.8,0.4,30),                                     new three.meshlambertmaterial({color:0x800000}));               wheel1.rotation.z = math.pi/2;             wheel2.rotation.z = math.pi/2;             wheel3.rotation.z = math.pi/2;             wheel4.rotation.z = math.pi/2;              wheel1.position.x = -1.2;             wheel1.position.y = 0;             wheel1.position.z = 0;              wheel2.position.x = 1.2;             wheel2.position.y = 0;             wheel2.position.z = 0;              wheel3.position.x = -1.2;             wheel3.position.y = 0;             wheel3.position.z = -2.5;              wheel4.position.x = 1.2;             wheel4.position.y = 0;             wheel4.position.z = -2.5;      wheels.add(wheel1);     wheels.add(wheel2);     wheels.add(wheel3);     wheels.add(wheel4);                        var plane;             var planegeo = new three.planegeometry(30,30,100,100);                var texture = three.imageutils.loadtexture('grass.jpg',{},function(){renderer.render(scene,camera)});             texture.wraps = three.repeatwrapping;             texture.wrapt = three.repeatwrapping;              var planemat = new three.meshlambertmaterial({                         map: texture,                         });               plane = new three.mesh(planegeo,planemat);      ground.add(plane);     ground.position.z = - 7.5;     ground.position.x =  5;      scene.add(car);     scene.add(ground);      var light = new three.spotlight();      light.position.set(170,300,-160);      scene.add(light);      var directionallight = new three.directionallight (0xffffff, 0.5);     directionallight.position.set(0,0,1);     scene.add(directionallight);      var directionallight1 = new three.directionallight (0xffffff, 0.2);     directionallight1.position.set(0,1,0);     scene.add(directionallight1);              renderer.render(scene, cam); }       </script> 


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