mongodb - Grails: Event listener never stop (with websocket plugin) -

i have problem listener (platform core plugin). never stop after event (afterinsert) triggered (mongo standalone)

my service catch event , use simpmessagingtemplate (websocket plugin) send on topic data (a news user registration). data saved, listener triggered again , again.

p.s. data not saved, consequent exception, rollback transaction. in debug mode can see assigned id.

@transactional class messageeventservice {      simpmessagingtemplate brokermessagingtemplate      @listener(topic = 'afterinsert',namespace = 'gorm')     void afterinsert(user user) {"diobo")        brokermessagingtemplate.convertandsend("/topic/myeventtopic", "myevent: user add ${}")     }  } 

and @ end...

    .[grails] servlet.service() servlet grails threw exception java.lang.outofmemoryerror: java heap space     @ java.util.arrays.copyof( 

why happens?!?!?



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