c# - Mono equivalent of ClientConnectionId -

i run function under mono ( current version 4.0.2)

 public object getconnectionproperty(sqlconnection _conn, string prop)     {         if (_conn.state == connectionstate.closed &             prop == "serverversion")             return string.empty;          if (prop == "clientconnectionid")         {             guid guid = _conn.clientconnectionid;             return guid.tostring();         }         return _conn.gettype().getproperty(prop).getvalue(_conn);     } 

but fails error :

error cs1061: type `system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection' not contain  definition `clientconnectionid' , no extension method  `clientconnectionid' of type `system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection'  found. missing assembly reference? 

what mono equivalent of clientconnectionid? or how can fix it?

clientconnectionid not implemented in mono sqlconnection class. if want have unique identifier each instance, can having id constructed hashcode example:

public static class sqlclientextensions { #if __monocs__     private static dictionary<int, string> _connids = new dictionary<int, string>(); #endif      public static string getclientconnectionid(this sqlconnection conn) {         if(conn == null) {             return guid.empty.tostring();         }  #if __monocs__         if(!connids.containskey(conn.gethashcode())) {             connids.add(conn.gethashcode(), guid.newguid().tostring());         }          return connids[conn.gethashcode()]; #else         return conn.clientconnectionid.tostring(); #endif     } } 

then can use in method:

if (prop == "clientconnectionid") {     return _conn.getclientconnectionid(); } 


the hash code may repeated 2 different instances @ different points in time.


__monocs__ defined mono compiler. portion calling clientconnectionid property wil not seen mono compiler , vice versa other portion , .net compiler.


another solution subclass sqlconnection , implement clientconnectionid it's sealed... , require subclassing other classes instantiate sqlconnection class internally.


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