objective c - iOS 8.3 storyboard side menu -

1) in app have tried implement side menu using
swrevealviewcontroller downloaded https://github.com/john-lluch/swrevealviewcontroller.

2) reveal view controller storyboard file class of swrevealviewcontroller, have imported in project swrevealviewcontroller.h , .m.

3)reveal view controller storyboard file tableviewcontroller & navigation controller there segue name reveal view controller set controller.

4)last view controller storyboard file class of view controller with
uibarbuttonitem *barbutton

here code in viewcontroller.m

#import "swrevealviewcontroller.h"   - (void)viewdidload  


 [super viewdidload];  swrevealviewcontroller *revealviewcontroller = self.revealviewcontroller; if ( revealviewcontroller ) {     _barbutton.target = self.revealviewcontroller;     _barbutton.action = @selector(revealtoggle:);     [self.view addgesturerecognizer:self.revealviewcontroller.pangesturerecognizer]; }  } 

5) when running app, there black screen in simulator, need bar button side menu.

6) storyborad have 4 files

1.revealviewcontroller connected tableview controller (using reveal view controller set controller segue)

2.revealviewcontroller connected navigation controller(using reveal view controller set controller segue)

3.navigation controller viewcontroller (using root view controller segue)

6) files swrevealviewcontroller.h &.m, viewcontroller.h&.m, appdelegate.h&.m, tableviewcontroller.h&.m

to implement side menu, referred http://www.appcoda.com/ios-programming-sidebar-navigation-menu/ ios: storyboard , side menu facebook app

please make sure set swseguefrontidentifier , swseguerightidentifier segue identifiers in storyboard. these 2 identifiers declared in swrevealviewcontroller as

static nsstring * const swseguerearidentifier = @"sw_rear"; static nsstring * const swseguefrontidentifier = @"sw_front"; 

you should create 2 segues front view controller , rear view controller swrevealviewcontroller (which initial view controller in storyboard). , set respective segue identifiers.


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