DropDownList refresh on second attempt in gridview asp.net c# -

i facing problem while adding new records selecting drop down items. gridview in select addresstype, country city cityarea , on using dropdown. in first attempt working fine, on second attempt when select country reset selected item.


as can see in above picture, on second attempt going select country. select country refresh. in below picture:


please me find solution. thanks.

here code:

<asp:templatefield headertext="country" headerstyle-width="14%">                         <itemtemplate>                             <asp:label id="lblcountry" text='<%# databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.country.description") %>'                                 runat="server">   </asp:label>                         </itemtemplate>                         <footertemplate>                             <asp:updatepanel runat="server" id="upcountry">                             <contenttemplate>                                 <asp:dropdownlist id="ddlcountrynew" datasourceid="odscountry" runat="server" onselectedindexchanged="ddlcountrynew_selectedindexchanged"                                     autopostback="true" datatextfield="description" datavaluefield="id" cssclass="mywidth-7" />                             </contenttemplate>                             <triggers>                                 <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="ddlcountrynew" />                             </triggers>                         </asp:updatepanel>                         </footertemplate>                         <edititemtemplate>                             <asp:dropdownlist id="ddlcountry" datasourceid="odscountry" runat="server" selectedvalue='<%# databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.countryid") %>'                                 datatextfield="description" datavaluefield="id" cssclass="mywidth-6" validationgroup="editaddressgroup" />                         </edititemtemplate>                     </asp:templatefield> 


protected void ddlcountrynew_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e)     {         dropdownlist ddlcountrynew = (dropdownlist)sender;         hdncountryid.value = ddlcountrynew.selecteditem.value;     } 

if want dropdownlist trigger ajax call without refreshing page

set eventname="selectedindexchanged" below

<triggers>  <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="ddlcountrynew" eventname="selectedindexchanged" />  </triggers>  

have keen on through update panel msdn document example


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