Spring data elasticsearch query products with multiple fields -
es newbie here, sorry dumb question.
i have been trying create elasticsearch query products
index. i'm able query it, never returns expect.
i'm using query builder in wrong way, have tried sorts of queries builders , never got make work expected.
my product class (simpler sake of question):
public class product { private string sku; private boolean soldout; private boolean freeshipping; private store store; private category category; private set<producturl> urls; private set<productname> names; }
category nas name
, id
use aggregations
the boolean field used filters.
productname , producturl both have string locale
, string name
or string url
i building query following logic
private searchquery buildsearchquery(string searchterm, list<long> categories, pageable pageable) { nativesearchquerybuilder builder = new nativesearchquerybuilder(); if (searchterm != null) { builder.withquery( new multimatchquerybuilder(searchterm, "names.name", "urls.url", "descriptions.description", "sku") .operator(operator.and) .type(multimatchquerybuilder.type.most_fields) ); } builder.withpageable(pageable); return builder.build(); }
the problem lots of products not being matched, example:
query "andro" not return "android" products.
what missing? way of building query right?
update adding names
part of product mapping:
{ "mappings": { "product": { "properties": { "names": { "properties": { "id": { "type": "long" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "locale": { "type": "string" } } } } } } }
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