database - Do transaction in Django make things faster -

i have django application.

this django application makes api call twitter , gets 100 recent tweets. need insert tweets database.

i have method act on 100 tweets. method has loop create model instance out of each tweet , call on each instance separately.

i found things slower , thought transactions might make things faster.

so outside method added @method_decorator(transaction.atomic). still have loop created model instance , method decorated transaction.atomic.

  1. is transaction.atomic supposed make insertions database faster me?
  2. will each call still issue database call?
  3. if makes things faster, how?

in atomic transaction, series of database operations either all occur, or nothing occurs.

decorating method atomic guarantee atomicity on database block of code within method. if method completed, changes committed database. if there exception, changes rolled back.

1. transactions not make code faster per use case. infact, guarantee either tweets saved database or none of tweets saved in case of exception.

2. yes, each call database call. so, there 100 database calls each time.

3. again, transactions won't make faster use case.

how make things faster then?

you can use django's bulk_create create tweets in single query.

tweet.objects.bulk_create([tweet1, tweet2, ...., tweet100]) # single query 

this inserts list of tweet objects database in efficient manner in 1 query.


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